php-ring-api Unofficial PHP API client for the doorbell. This is a very basic PHP client for the ( doorbell. It is able to connect to the server and poll for motion or dings (aka somebody pressed the button). Example <?php include "ring.php"; $username = 'YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HERE'; $password = 'YOUR RING.COM PASSWORD HERE'; $bell = new Ring(); print "Authenticating...\n"; $bell->authenticate($username, $password); print "My devices:\n"; var_dump($bell->devices()); print "Start polling for motion or dings...\n"; while(1) { $states = $bell->poll(); if ($states) { foreach($states as $state) { if ($state['is_ding']) { print "Somebody pushed the button!\n"; } if ($state['is_motion']) { print "There's motion in the ocean!\n"; } } } sleep(5); } The code and more can be found on Github. Disclaimer: I’m in no way affiliated with, these are just my personal experiments.