Jeroen Moors

Jeroen Moors

independent operations manager


1 year ago
Abbey Road Studios, Driveway Garden

Abbey Road Studios, Driveway Garden

2 years ago
Meanwhile somewhere in Italy...

Meanwhile somewhere in Italy...

2 years ago
Making new friends

Making new friends

2 years ago
Eat that team! And so they did. #celebratewins

Eat that team! And so they did. #celebratewins

2 years ago
Started reading Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson.
2 years ago
Finished reading The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson.
2 years ago
Like Euromilions, but then for pizza lovers : )
2 years ago
Fly fly!

Fly fly!

2 years ago
Started reading The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson.
2 years ago
Finished reading The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger.
3 years ago
Arrivederci Italia, alla prossima volta!

Arrivederci Italia, alla prossima volta!

3 years ago
Started reading The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger.
3 years ago
Lockdown day #9742

Lockdown day #9742

3 years ago
Lockdown day #723.

Lockdown day #723.

3 years ago
Started reading A Promised Land by Barack Obama.
3 years ago
With great job comes great smile : ) Level27 company mugshot.

With great job comes great smile : ) Level27 company mugshot.

3 years ago
Started reading Alibaba by Duncan Clark.
3 years ago
Finished reading Shoe Dog by Phil Knight.
3 years ago
Started reading Shoe Dog by Phil Knight.
3 years ago
Started reading Churchill by Winston S. Churchill.
3 years ago
En Wallonie exotique.

En Wallonie exotique.

4 years ago
Started reading Thinking, fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman.
4 years ago
Finished reading Never split the difference by Chris Voss.
4 years ago
London never disappoints.

London never disappoints.

4 years ago
Started reading Never split the difference by Chris Voss.